
For any questions, contact SUR

The Seafarers' Union of Russia received a complaint from the crew member of MV MSC Tokata F: he reported that the quality and quantity of meals provided on board had sharply deteriorated. SUR took control of the seafarer's complaint and started to examine what had happened. Following a call to the company, the complaint was partially confirmed. 

The company explained that the daily meal allowance per crew member was not cut, but when the vessel was staying in Kenya, where supplies were expensive, the purchase of food actually turned out to be less. However, the company assured that at the time of the seafarer’s appeal, the vessel was already headed to South Africa, where prices are cheaper, so the ship's supplies would be immediately replenished. The 

Seafarers' Union of Russia reminds that crew members working on board vessels covered with collective agreements may contact national trade unions for any questions. 

Photo vesselfinder.com/ru/

